Upcoming Changes to Water Efficiency Requirements from 2025.

Tahnee Gransden
Upcoming Changes to Water Efficiency Requirements from 2025.

In the realm of residential renting, the dynamics of responsibility between
landlords and tenants often extend beyond the mere payment of rent. One
area where this is particularly evident is in the allocation of water usage
charges. While it's common for landlords to shoulder these costs, certain
conditions must be met for them to pass these charges on to tenants.
Understanding these conditions and the evolving water efficiency measures
is crucial for both parties involved.

Landlords can only pass water usage charges to tenants if the residential
property is separately metered, ensuring accurate consumption
measurement for each unit. Additionally, the property must adhere to water
efficiency regulations, such as regular leak checks and prompt repairs,
promoting responsible water usage and benefiting both the environment
and the landlord financially.

Additionally, starting from 23 March 2025, there will be a new requirement
for rented properties: all toilets must be dual flush with a minimum threestar rating according to the Commonwealth Water Efficiency Labelling and
Standards (WELS) scheme. This scheme provides consumers with
information about the water efficiency of various products, helping them
make informed choices. By mandating dual flush toilets with a minimum
three-star WELS rating, the aim is to reduce water consumption in
residential properties and promote sustainability.

For landlords, ensuring compliance with these evolving water efficiency
requirements is essential to avoid penalties and maintain a competitive
edge in the rental market. Landlords intending to replace or upgrade
existing toilets in their properties should prioritise installing dual flush toilets
that meet the specified WELS rating. By doing so, they not only fulfill
regulatory obligations but also contribute to environmental conservation

If you are unsure of your obligations water use and charges at your property, reach out to your property manager.