Connecting with a Small Business Champion

MMJ Real Estate
Connecting with a Small Business Champion

In a world where women often face stereotypes, Wollongong Women provides a supportive community where they can thrive and celebrate successes together.


Martin Lo Surdo, Head of the MMJ Business Sales and Acquisitions team, engages in a conversation with Laura Struys, the driving force behind Wollongong Women.

Laura's passion for supporting women in business shines through as she shares the purpose behind her business and her journey of inspiration. From addressing unique challenges to fostering a sense of community, her business offers a diverse range of resources, workshops, and events aimed at nurturing both professional growth and personal well-being.

Inspiration Behind Creating the Business

When I was feeling a bit stuck in between jobs, I kind of came down to my core values, what I really enjoy, what am I passionate about? And after previously running my own health and fitness business, I kind of knew that I wanted to go down that path again.

And the things that inspired me are female entrepreneurship, community, connection, events. And before I knew it, Wollongong Women was the idea that I came up with.

Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities

So, one of the common things we found with women in business or small business is that it can be quite lonely. So, you know, lots of women have started their own ventures and doing really cool things, breaking away from the norm.

But sometimes it's a small business or a sole trader, it can be quite lonely. So, that's why we've been able to bring together these events, get like women together, create new connections, and your new business besties.

Fostering Community

So, one of the ways that we foster community is bringing together these events. So, we’ve got some breakfast events, we've got some other events lined up, we got a sold-out retreat. And the whole idea is to get these women together to be able to create new connections, it’s a very inclusive, it's just a very supportive community.

Resources and Assistance

Wollongong Women is a platform built for women and we've got our networking groups, we’ve got some events and we're recently just about to launch a brand-new low-cost membership, which is our Inner Circle. So, a great away to be able to connect with other people in the community, create some collaborations, priority events and also some resources to help women in business.

Work-life Balance for Women Entrepreneurs

I think a lot of women start their business because they want that time freedom and a bit more flexibility. And so having those businesses where you can juggle mum life and things around that. That's what's really cool to be able to meet other people and hear their routines and their stories and how they fit it all in.

So, what I think, you know, starting around business is sometimes a lot more hours. Like, I know for me when I started, I'm staying up late, waking up early. Just fitting in as much as much as I can. But when you really passionate about what you're doing, it doesn't feel like work and it's exciting.

The Impact of Member Feedback

So, the feedback we get is that they're looking for more networking groups or ways to meet other people in the area and to be able to bounce ideas.

And I think when you have those events, you come away feeling so inspired and that fire in the belly and also just relatable like everyone's going through maybe a similar issue and that you can work through it and leaves you feeling motivated and excited to do more.

Building Connections and Fostering Growth

So even a couple of the events that I've been to, I've been able to make those connections and I've used local women to even build our new website, do some social media marketing and logos and branding, things like that.

And it's cool to see even other women that make those connections and be able to help each other grow and use each other services.