What happens when a tenant gives notice to vacate?

What happens when a tenant gives notice to vacate?

There will always come a time that a tenant will want to end their tenancy for whatever reason and will do so by providing a formal notice to vacate to end their tenancy agreement.

However, there is more to the vacating process than simply conducting a final inspection and releasing the tenant’s bond.

Below is a guide that MMJ Wollongong follow to ensure that all the bases are covered before we release the tenants’ bond.

  1. It is important to be aware of the market conditions and whether the market allows for an increase in rent or if it necessary to reduce the rent prior to advertising commencing. At this time MMJ will undertake a rent review on the property to ensure we give our clients the greatest chance of finding a tenant in a timely manner whilst achieving the best return possible.
  2. We will then commence advertising 14 days prior to the tenants vacate date and we endeavour to arrange a pre-vacate inspection or prospective tenants where possible & practical to do so.
  3. On the tenants vacate day keys will be returned and these will be verified against a copy that was taken prior to the tenancy commencing. We will then schedule a final inspection (if not already done so with tenant) to assess the final condition of the property. This is generally carried out within 24 business hours of the keys being returned.
  4. When completing the final inspection, we assess the property against the entry condition report whilst considering fair wear & tear in accordance with the length of tenancy. If any works are required, we will give the tenant one (1) option to return or alternatively will arrange our contactors to complete. We will NOT release the bond until we are satisfied with the outgoing condition of the property.

We appreciate this can be a stressful time for all parties which is why our main priority throughout the entire vacate process is to ensure we maintain communication with both our landlords and tenants and ensure we provide all necessary information to make the process as smooth as possible.